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Welcome to Scrafts Indonesia. It's a great opportunity to know me, the Ideas Creator through this website. My name is Scarlet A.M. Pongilatan, mom of 2 beautiful daughters (Pingkan and Kireina) and wife of a Civil Engineer. I am Indonesian and was born in Jakarta on April 1979 and also raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, I and my family live in Bekasi (Greater Jakarta), West Java, Indonesia. 

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My Story

My professional experience background is in Human Resources in Indonesia Oil and Gas Company and Coal Mining Companies. Then, I decided to left my career in Human Resources to take care of my family since my first daughter was born and stay at home.

My main activities are taking care of my family.  Besides that I have a lot of activities to create many ideas from home in handicrafts and culinary. My ideas and passion is in handicrafts, especially Indonesian traditional handicraftsI engaged with many talented people who have creativity in handicrafts from the rural area to cities in Indonesia. They are made Anyaman ("WEAVE" in English) by their own hands. They are using material from plants such as Bamboo, Palmyra Leaf, Pandanus Leaf, Water Hyacinth, Purun (the plants that leave in the peatland), Rattan, and Jute (Burlap).

I initiate to support them to develop and facilitate their traditional handicraft products through this website. Their markets are only in their local area due to limited buyers from local people and limited facilitation in marketing at this time. Hopefully, they can expand their products and markets through this website. I also empower their skill and knowledge to export their local product to across Indonesia and Worldwide.


Then, I legalized this business with the Official Business Name PT. PINGKANKIREINA SCRAFTS INDONESIA that has Company's Legality Documents which consist of Business Licence Number or NIB:1912220070675, Certificate of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number AHU-058341.AH.01.30.Tahun 2022, Tax ID Number/NPWP: 62.152.894.2-435.000 and Brand Registration Certificate of The Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number IDM001178387. Based on the legality documents above, this business has two (2) Creativity Houses in Bangli Region in Bali and Bekasi Region in West Java.


Thank you to who buy their products on this website, it means you have supported their life through creativity.


God Bless you always!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities from you. Let's connect.


My name is Junita Seruny

•Education: F&B Management

•Occupation: Entrepreneur, Hotelier, Traveler, Culinary

•Living in Queens – New York, USA

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